OoT: Boat Skip info

Info on how to boat skip from the first randomizer run

Boat skip set up start...Get that keyslot right up in there

Shield turn 90 degrees to right and target...

This is gonna be weird...
Side hop left, side roll, untarget...

I ain't no scrub I'm good with instructions

90 degrees right again

3 ESS turns left...Noooooo it's gonna be so hard, we can't do it because of this controller...we'll use c-up

Little bit of one little bit of two

Any trick that involves bombchus is spooky.

Kyle has a history of calling things free that aren't free, that's the speedrunner special

Just give me the frames, give me the inputs

Frame perfect is my middle name

This is a lot of chit-chat and not a lot of inputs. Tell me the buttons...looks like the wrong position

I'll wait to pull the chu...

Still missing Zelda's lullaby...
You don't like the music? that's a shame we're going to be listening to it for a while... and first attempt

"ESS" turn again and second attempt

I know how to ESS turn...I just can't do it with this controller...turns down sens and fighting the menu again
Whoever made this needs to be punished
That...could be it

Setting up again
The video Kylf suggested
The chu's not a problem I'm a quick lad...does this look good

Fuck it we'll save it and try it a few times...

Yeah this is the easy part chat before we need to ledge clip without seeing the platforms
The warning we all missed:

Success? but didn't put on boots

I need to put on boots?! That wasn't in the memo!
Lining it up again...give me a thumbs up or thumbs down every step of the way

I feel like this is the same

...can we call that two? that was two, right?

Look I can do it first try, it's fine...see first try this position is wrong?

Set up 2...I got memed

Tries again

This looks good? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah?

Tries again

We'll save state it and give it a shot...first try but doesn't equip hover boots
I'm going to just equip hovers, I want to be sure I don't miss one

I did it once I can do it again, shut up

but austin can't (reliably) pause buffer

kylf thinks he's making a funny...

Classic me not holding the shield button...classic me not flipping...I'd pause buffer it but...I don't want to...I'm mad
The irony of having the boss key but not being able to use it
Success! WHAT DO I DO?!?!? (clip)

Why didn't you tell me there where more steps! Tell me what to do and I'll mental math my way there ...We didn't figure it out.


Austin is afraid to use save slots "Retroarch was made by people who speak English but don't know how to use it"...Look I'll do the flip again just tell me what I'm holding right now


If only we had known...

I already did the poacher's song, it's gone!
Rip run (but we still didn't know it)

I'm losing my mind...dud I'm gonna lose my mind
Gets it and doesn't put boots on NotLikeThis
Just flip you fucker
I might actually lose my mind

Actually impossible...two attempts...then success??
Did I just do it instantly? okay i guess...I didn't equip hoverboots.
Green hell begins :)

I accidentally did what you said because I was memeing

Austin is like a grandpa

Let's do it first try...
Target and backwalk

It's real sad the door's not here; we have the key for it
No time for fucking around Link, can't you see we're in an endless void of doom

Hold all the way left

Chat this is super easy

OoT glitch hunters get off on this shit

Attempts start

Oh I need to ledge clip? Fuck. Wait a minute this is hard

Inverted camera problems

Fighting controller.

Dude I'm losing my mind
video of trick

Austin saved over the save state but there's an undo save state the UI is pure ass garbage "Do you want me to invent a time machine?"
It's like getting into a car accident
That gave me energy
I've be so mad if that worked
This is what Miyamoto intended
This is a test... and word wrong

I'm just bonking infinitely now
I'm just fueled by anger
You can only be good at speedrunning if you have no happiness in you
Everytime I do that an angel loses its wings and gets addicted to heroin and every time i bonk satan orgasms
This bonk shit
Austin unbinds up

Dude...dude...dude...something is up
door stuck?
Dude I'm losing my mind, why? why?
door stuck?

Door stick again
Clearly Lullaby is the heart piece from Bongo-Bongo
Door stuck
Dud i'm so mad dud dud
That was different
duuuud that was so far
I'm gonna fucking scream dud
dud c'mon
please let me go forward dud
oh apparently it's free
dud what changed duuud
fuck me dud
utterly impossible...what the fuck duuuud
I'm out of patient for this fucking ledge dud
door stuck
the run's over if i can't do this
door stuck
dud that's the furthest we've ever been
I legit thing the set up is wrong
does some frame buffering

and gets it immediately.

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