Sunday, April 4, 2021

Post-NLSS Era

The NLSS is over (Feb 25, 2013 - Jan 21, 2021, RIP), but don't worry I'm still spending too much time updating this site:

Dockets for NL's Monday-Friday Streams

NL YouTube Series and Playlists

There are still pseudo-NLSS segments sporactically, and Canadian Dad segments with MALF and Sips on Mondays.

I am continuing to archive NL, MALF, DumbDog, and Josh streams, I'm just kinda behind.

Take care of urself out there.


  1. Don't PepeHands because it's over, malfSmile because it happened

  2. I remember the original post here that read along the lines of, "The NLSS as we know it died." Really bummed me out..

    I can appreciate the more somber tone of this post, but moreso I appreciate all the work you've done for the community here and elsewhere. I've used this blog for years to quickly find NLSSs and specific segments when I was bored or looking for something to throw on. It's meant more to more people than I think you know or that can even be expressed in words.

    Hope things are good for you and all the other eggamaniacs reading this. In spite of the pog-rich solo NL content, the NLSS will be missed.

    This quote from The Office feels fitting:
    “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.”

    Stay safe and stay healthy.
    With love and admiration,
