Thursday, September 20, 2018

(September 20, 2018)

(September 20, 2018)



Dead By Daylight
Codenames with Apollo and Baer
Jackbox with Apollo and Baer: Quiplash

old dun tramp impressions, NL threatens to mute everyone
Football and hockey talk, Apollo watched Annihilation
Nick found out what is wrong with America: school buses
Cobalt had a bus driver fired for being drunk on the job, rob almost went to a high school where the principle got fired for smoking meth
NL as his character gets impaled: oh my god! I hate this guy's haircut. and Mark Davis' haircut
80s movies that haven't aged well: Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House, Sorority Boys and generally being creepy or worse towards women. Adult actresses in Game of Thrones
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Deep Roy
Cannabis infused Coke beverage?
Cobalt argues Dan wasn't on Big Brother Season 10
Cats sitting on things
Bing bong
Elon marrying the same woman twice
NL roasts Baer for raising money for CheckPoint
Fortnite cited in 200 divorce proceedings, Fortnite tutors
NL's story about a guy trying to bring a big bag of weed into the hockey rink, cannabis concession stands
Cobalt says you can't just go visit China
The team learns about the difference between the county Australia and the continent of Australia
E-sports Air Bud starring Ninja
Cobalt punched a kid from church on a hayride
21st of September
Slightly Australian Ryan
Kate is away...Ryan asks if having a longer dick makes peeing take longer...NL roasts MALF then says he'll suck MALF's dick and Apollo's great response
Having sex with David Tenant redux
Ryan says "We have nothing to fear but a staircase"
Cobalt's little guy always looks so unsure
Baer suggests putting a sea urchin into a pneumatic press, upsetting Nick
NL asks what he should do on Saturday, his day off, when Kate's not around and everyone suggests he try to see a masturbation record
NL ignored a fire alarm...and rob's dangerous outlets
en-yays and ñortherñlioñ
Bear could use a good dick
BRex has a wikipedia page
NL has essentially the same Quiplash prompt about names for bottled water in a row
Triumphant return of the Red Robin Gunburger voice (And a bit more)
How to attract a young audience (besides dick jokes)
Two in a row, Tic Tac Toe - Cobalt
Two in a row, give me that nut, bro - NL
NL wishes he lived at Ram Ranch
Spanish n's
Finger the butt
Cobalt knows the names of the Real Housewives of New York
This shit is bañañas
Nick gets 100 gifted subs, Cobalt has had 100 tier 3 subs
Dunkaroos, Cobalt...pimps his channel?
NL sings an Indian food inspired Lion King parody song?


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