

The gang plays Mahjong on this free-to-play website: Here is a cheat sheet of yaku:
(Link). There is also a tutorial by yu_song here. Essentially to win you need four 3-card sets (either three-of-a-kind or a straight of three in the same suit) and a pair (unless you are going for 7 pairs or 13 orphans), as well as a yaku or win condition.

Here are some terms:
chii: Complete a sequence from discard, can only chii the player to your left
closed kan: A kan from four of a kind in hand
dead wall: 14 tiles consisting of 5 dora indicators, 5 ura dora indicators, and 4 tiles to draw after kan
dora: Red 5s and tiles one higher than the dora indicator, not yaku but worth one han upon winning
doubleriichi: Riichi on the first draw of the game
dragons: ⬜️🀄️發 (WhRG) (you're telling me this blank piece of shit is a white dragon?)
fu: Extra points based on your wait, triples, kans, and pairs
furiten: Essentially means you discarded a tile you need to win and now you're in twouble.
han: Point values assigned to winning hands
honors: Wind and dragon tiles
ippatsu: Winning after riichi before or during your next turn with no calls from other players
kan: Complete a four of a kind from discard, draw from the dead wall, on following discard a new dora indicator is revealed
pinfu: Closed hand with all sequences, a non seat/round wind nor dragon pair, and a double-sided wait (eg 45 waiting on a 3 or 6)
pon: Complete a triple from discard
riichi: A yaku worth one han, when calling riichi the player must bet 1000 points and cannot change their hand from Riichi till the end of the round
ron: Winning off discard, points taken from the discarding player
suji: A defensive strategy that involves discarding the edges of a double sided wait. For example, if someone has a 4 in their discard, 1 and 7 are suji.
tanyao: A yaku consisting of only tiles 2-8. Aka all simples
tenpai: One tile from a complete hand
terminal: 1s and 9s in any suit
tsumo: Winning off draw, points taken from all other players, East seat loses the most
winds: 東南西北 (ESWN)
yaku: Win condition
yakuman: An extremely rare hand worth 32000/48000 points

NL/K8 Playlist

K8 Playlist

DumbDog Playlist

HCJustin Playlist

Jaaski Playlist

Chiblee Playlist

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