
Champions of Salt

Champions of Salt sponsored by Good Shepherd Entertainment


Highlights and Teasers by SirToastyToes

CEO: Kate LovelyMomo LeTourneau

Team Leaders: Ryan Gary "Northern" LeTourneau and Dan "Dang" Gheesling

Participants: BaerTaffy, DumbDog, Michaelalfox, alpacapatrol

Poster by CR7SPA:

Week 1 (11/26/19):
Decider Games: I Am Egg, Booby and the Boobytrap, Clop. Team draft. Black Future '99. First Elimination.
K8, NL, Dan P1 P2 P3 P4, Dog, Baer, MALF, rob

Poster by RadioactiveSirloin:

Week 2 (12/3/19):
Crypt of the Necrodancer. Human Fall Flat. Second Elimination.
K8, NL, Dan P1 P2 P3 P4, Dog, Baer part 1 Baer part 2, MALF, rob

Poster by RadioactiveSirloin:

Week 3 (12/10/2019):
Cardpocalypse. Half Dead 2. Third Elimination
K8, NL, Dan P1 P2 P3 P4, Dog, Baer, MALF, rob

Posters by RadioactiveSirloin:

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. Insurgency: (Darude) Sandstorm. Fourth Elimination. Jury Duty.
K8, NL, Dan P1 P2 P3, Dog part 1 Dog part 2, Baer, MALF, rob

K8 view
NL view
dog view
Baer view
Dan view
rob view
MALF view

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